Price history for the last days.

Current Value: 10,477 Current Average: 952
Current Index: 329.26 7-day Index: 321.44

 ItemGE ValueIndex?
Achey Tree Logs Achey Tree Logs 2,373 (+0) 2118.75
Arctic Pine Logs Arctic Pine Logs 1,122 (+0) 1780.95
Eucalyptus Logs Eucalyptus Logs 662 (+0) 146.46
Logs Logs 1,525 (+23) 837.91
Magic Logs Magic Logs 895 (-11) 59.71
Mahogany Logs Mahogany Logs 403 (+3) 127.53
Maple Logs Maple Logs 399 (-6) 1813.64
Oak Logs Oak Logs 1,184 (-39) 2368
Teak Logs Teak Logs 346 (+5) 629.09
Willow Logs Willow Logs 931 (-1) 10344.44
Yew Logs Yew Logs 637 (-1) 150.95

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